Yogile is your secure and private photo collection with unlimited storage. Upload photos from important events and let others contribute to your albums. Share your photos easily with a link, or secure albums with a password to control who sees them. Keep your favorite pictures in their original resolution, including support for RAW, PSD and other formats.
Yogile is available for Android phones, tablets, computers and more.
With Yogile you can:
- Store your files without limits to free up space on your phone and other devices
- Edit and touch up your photos using the many filters and effects
- Use files for professional purposes, including RAW, PSD and other formats
- View photos from your phone, tablet or computer without plugging in a USB
- Allow friends and family to contribute photos through a custom link and e-mail assigned to each album
- Share albums secured by a password, or keep them private
- Organize pictures without effort thanks to easily manageable folders
- Browse photos based on location, camera, date, favorites and many other options
- Share photos easily on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
- Try the unlimited version with a free 7-day trial
Yogile adalah koleksi foto aman dan pribadi Anda dengan penyimpanan tidak terbatas. Upload foto dari peristiwa-peristiwa penting dan membiarkan orang lain berkontribusi untuk album Anda. Berbagi foto dengan mudah dengan link, atau album aman dengan password untuk mengontrol siapa yang melihat mereka. Jauhkan gambar favorit Anda dalam resolusi asli mereka, termasuk dukungan untuk RAW, PSD dan format lainnya.
Yogile yang tersedia untuk ponsel Android, tablet, komputer dan banyak lagi.
Dengan Yogile Anda dapat:
- Simpan file Anda tanpa batas untuk membebaskan ruang pada ponsel Anda dan perangkat lain
- Mengedit dan touch up foto Anda menggunakan banyak filter dan efek
- Gunakan file untuk tujuan profesional, termasuk RAW, PSD dan format lainnya
- Melihat foto dari ponsel, tablet atau komputer tanpa menghubungkannya USB
- Biarkan teman-teman dan keluarga untuk berkontribusi foto melalui link kustom dan e-mail ditugaskan untuk setiap album
- Share album dijamin dengan sandi, atau menjaga mereka pribadi
- Mengatur gambar tanpa usaha berkat mudah folder dikelola
- Foto Telusuri berdasarkan lokasi, kamera, tanggal, favorit dan banyak pilihan lain
- Berbagi foto dengan mudah di Instagram, Twitter dan Facebook
- Coba versi unlimited dengan 7-hari percobaan gratis
Yogile is your secure and private photo collection with unlimited storage. Upload photos from important events and let others contribute to your albums. Share your photos easily with a link, or secure albums with a password to control who sees them. Keep your favorite pictures in their original resolution, including support for RAW, PSD and other formats.
Yogile is available for Android phones, tablets, computers and more.
With Yogile you can:
- Store your files without limits to free up space on your phone and other devices
- Edit and touch up your photos using the many filters and effects
- Use files for professional purposes, including RAW, PSD and other formats
- View photos from your phone, tablet or computer without plugging in a USB
- Allow friends and family to contribute photos through a custom link and e-mail assigned to each album
- Share albums secured by a password, or keep them private
- Organize pictures without effort thanks to easily manageable folders
- Browse photos based on location, camera, date, favorites and many other options
- Share photos easily on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
- Try the unlimited version with a free 7-day trial